Sarah O'Callaghan

Sarah O'Callaghan is a Production Assistant at a local NBC affiliate in Denver, Colorado. She is a likable but rather unimportant character in The Final Book: Gods. Sarah is young, pretty, but overall intimidated by her surroundings. She is good at her job, but she often goes unnoticed.
Early Life
Sarah was born and raised in Broomfield, Colorado. She grew up in a middle-class family and attended local public schools. Sarah was always an average student, but she excelled in her creative pursuits. She loved to write, draw, and paint. Sarah's parents encouraged her to pursue her passions, and she eventually decided to study journalism in college.
After graduating from college, Sarah landed a job as a Production Assistant at a local NBC affiliate in Denver. She is a hard worker and is good at her job, but she often goes unnoticed. Sarah is young and pretty, but she is also very shy and introverted. She is intimidated by her surroundings and often feels like she doesn't belong.
In The Presence of William Hork
Finding a footnote in history, William's encounter with Wayne Sherman crystalized the song of Sarah O'Callaghan. She'll forever be immortalized as a sweet girl who tries her best, a quality often under appreciated.
Sarah is grateful to William for his help, and she starts to see him as a father figure. William is happy to help Sarah, and he enjoys watching her grow and thrive. Sarah's newfound confidence allows her to excel at her job and to make a name for herself at the news station.
Throughout her lifetime, Sarah continued to have minor encounters with William. Irrationally, and unbeknownst to those closest to her, she maintained her career at the local TV station simply because she knew William would occasionally visit to give interviews. It was her opportunity to be in the presence of such a unique, one-of-a-kind man. William never failed to reinvigorate and rejuvenate her.
Sarah is a likable but rather unimportant character in The Final Book: Gods. However, her journey from a shy and introverted Production Assistant to a confident and successful business woman is an inspiring one. Sarah's story is a reminder that it is never too late to make a change in your life.