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Extinction: Imminent
Broadcast Signal: Pirate

District of Olympus Archives
Mortal Hall
Αρχείο Περιφέρειας

Temple of Dione

Extinction: Imminent
Broadcast Signal: Pirate
District of Olympus Archives
Mortal Hall
Αρχείο Περιφέρειας
Temple of Dione

Wayne Sherman

Wayne Sherman, Executive Vice President, Midwest for NBC. A large, balding, obnoxious man walking toward you on a TV set. Image generated by Adobe Firefly.

Wayne Sherman is an Executive Vice President for NBC in the Midwest region, but his role in the grand scheme of humanity is minimal. Despite his lack of importance, there is something intriguing about this Mortal that makes him worth mentioning.

Wayne Summarized

Wayne is an overweight and crude man, often making off-color jokes that leave his colleagues feeling uncomfortable. He is known for his brash demeanor and tendency to push boundaries, particularly with younger female employees. It is this behavior that has earned him a reputation for being obnoxious and unlikable.


Born in a small town in the Midwest, Wayne grew up with big dreams of making it in the world of entertainment. He attended a state university, where he studied business and communications, and eventually landed a job at a local television station. Wayne worked his way up the ladder, taking on various roles in the industry before finally landing a position at NBC.

At NBC, Wayne moved up and eventually earned the title of Executive Vice President, Midwest. It was a role that came with a great deal of responsibility, but it was also one that Wayne took to with ease. He had a knack for making deals and navigating the complex world of patriarchal television, and he quickly became known as a force to be reckoned with.

Despite his professional success, Wayne's personal life was less than stellar. He was married once, but the relationship ended in divorce after just a few short years. Since then, he has been a serial dater, often seen with a different woman on his arm at various industry events.


As an executive vice president, Wayne is responsible for overseeing the operations of NBC in the Midwest region. This includes managing budgets, developing programming strategies, and ensuring that the network's content is in line with its overall brand. While Wayne is good at his job, his abrasive personality often makes it difficult for him to build strong relationships with his colleagues.

Despite his shortcomings, Wayne is not without his charm. He can be charismatic when he wants to be, and he has a way of getting people to do what he wants. This is likely one of the reasons why he has been so successful in his career, despite his less-than-stellar reputation.


In the grand scheme of things, Wayne Sherman is a small character in the world of The Final Book: Gods. His role is not pivotal to the story, and he is not a figure that readers are likely to remember long after they have finished the epic. However, there is something intriguing about this Mortal that makes him worth exploring. Perhaps it is his unlikable nature or the fact that he is so different from the other characters in the prophesy. Whatever the reason, there is no denying that Wayne Sherman is a Mortal that leaves an impression on those who encounter him.

The Cringe of Wayne Sherman

Once upon a time in the bustling city of Denver, a wealthy and arrogant man named Wayne Sherman worked as an Executive Vice President at a local NBC affiliate. Wayne was good at his job, but he often used his power to intimidate and belittle those around him. He was a man of few friends and many enemies, but he didn't care, for he believed that his position and wealth made him invincible.

Little did Wayne know, there was one man who would challenge his arrogance and put him in his place. That man was William Hork, the King of the Gods, Zeus, in his mortal form. One day, as Wayne was going about his work, he found himself in the midst of a heated exchange between William and a young and timid Production Assistant named Sarah O'Callaghan.

Wayne was being his usual crude self, making off-color jokes and belittling Sarah. Just as she was about to shrink into the shadows, William stepped in. He stood tall and proud, his eyes flashing with divine fury.

"Wayne Sherman," he bellowed, "You have the grace of a hippopotamus and the charm of a used car salesman. You should be ashamed of yourself, treating this young woman with such disrespect."

The studio fell silent, as all eyes turned to William and Wayne. Wayne, red-faced and sputtering, tried to defend himself, but William would have none of it.

"You are a disgrace to this studio and to humanity," William continued. "I suggest you take a long, hard look at yourself and try to find some semblance of decency within your soul."

With that, William turned to Sarah and gave her a warm, fatherly smile. "Don't let this man's words get to you, Sarah. You are a bright and talented young woman, and you deserve to be treated with respect."

Sarah felt a surge of confidence wash over her. She stood a little taller and looked Wayne Sherman in the eye. "Thank you, William," she said. "You're right. I am good at my job, and I deserve to be treated with respect."

From that day on, Wayne's world began to crumble. The staff at the NBC affiliate no longer feared him, and his once-powerful position began to weaken. He found himself alone and friendless, a shadow of the man he once was.

Wayne learned a valuable lesson that day: no one is invincible, and everyone deserves to be treated with respect. He never forgot the words of William Hork, and he spent the rest of his days trying to be a better man.